Saturday, December 27, 2008

concept cars

Concept cars I designed.

Friday, December 26, 2008


I don't like to post WIPs but I got pulled off this project, Maybe pick it up in a few months.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I have been spewing critical posts on cgtalk about images with Poser models and "chicks with swords" done tastelessly for a long time, I figured I should put up or shut up; so I made dis...NOT in Poser.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Heavy Tanker

sure, its obvious NOW, that it can't possibly turn...

Friday, November 21, 2008


a new render of an old model. Still not happy with this render at all... or the post work.

EDF Destroyer

My first full concept to completion model. This was the first time I was able to draw a concept from scratch and take it all the way to finish. The destruction sequence got changed a lot on me, I still find myself unreasonably angry that the explosions "just had to be orange" -like everything; and not blue like I wanted...

Martian Freighter

New shuttle design for use in upcoming cinematic.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Golden Axe

Some of the assets from Golden Axe cinematics, a game my studio spent 3 months to make 10 minutes of pre-render cut scenes for.

This game looked like it had plenty of potential:

launch trailer

Unfortunately, it turns out that this is one of the worst and most dismal games to come out this year in terms of ratings.
I never would have guessed that it would receive a laughable 3.2 (out of 10) rating from IGN,
and this painful review

Oh well... I got paid.


Starting this blog because I need to consolidate the recent rash of work that I have been finishing and to stop them from getting buried in the backup servers and forgotten forever. Also, I've reached a point where some of my images may actually be worth looking at.

Dec 4 will mark 4 years of drudgery, glory and alcoholism at Pendulum. God, what happened to my early 20's?